Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Raw Nerve

As the President of GWP Rescue, Inc, and the one that holds the Animal Care Facility licenses in three states, I find myself needing to vent here a bit.

As there have been so many blogs on the involvement of large private charities in illegal raids, confiscations of animals from hoarding situations, only to send them to high kill shelters, or shelters where many of them die from disease at the hands of such "rescuers", I find myself outraged!

A raw nerve if you will when it comes to those making profit off their pull and dump on small organizations/over crowded rural shelters whilst they make money off of the situation by taking a lot of photos and asking for money on their huge professional websites. When in truth they pocket funds and little if any of the money pocketed by these large organizations actually goes to help the animals in need.

Those of us in rescue have seen it many times. It being a LARGE organization, coming in to save the day on their white horse...and basically giving a ride to the animals to be shuffled off to over crowded high kill facilities or dumped on small rescue organizations. it is time to stop believing those TV commercials folks...take a look at at any organization you wish to support...take a look at their books which are public record.

I invite you to view the following blogs:
KC Dog Blog

Maybe it is because I have a vested interest in one of those raids, months of rehab work on GWP's that thankfully ended up in the hands of GWP Rescue. Maybe it is because of the input I am getting from those that were actually there witnessing the animals being kept in small cages and never getting human contact....maybe it is because of the psychologically damaged dogs I have spent the last 6 months working with. What really caused all of this damage, what really made them so afraid. Guess we will never know will we? What made them so hand shy they hit the floor when you toss a ball?

It's time to wake up people!
There are rules and regulations to follow. There are ways to educate and reform situations. There is a way and as a society we must insist on those in law enforcement to enforce the current laws, and for those in states where laws do not exist to lobby for a change.

There...I feel better. But that doesn't help those poor animals that have no voice, and depend on us to provide "better" living conditions, a chance...not throw them to the wolves so those doing the throwing can rake in more of our hard earned dollars by deceiving the public.

I am sick to death of the abuse, neglect, irresponsibility of owners and now RESCUERS that are equally irresponsible. You have probably guessed it, the LARGE organization I am speaking of is the HSUS, and those that bring in dogs from horrible situations enabling such organizations. Rescuers that fly by the seat of their pants, and then beg constantly for money. Yes, we all need money at times, but regulate the numbers please....and you-John Q. Public..get your dogs spayed and neutered OK?

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